It is the beginning of a new year, and a new decade. This marks a fresh start to focus on opportunities that will be coming your way and where you can set your sights on new goals. We look forward to the start of a new year because it signifies a clean slate, and to be honest, most of us need that. But with this brings the oh so familiar question, we hear from many, of “why wait”? Why wait until January 1st to begin the project you’ve been thinking of or the business you’ve been eager to start? Why not start today? The biggest hurdle we have to face is our self contemplation that inevitably keeps us from being our most productive selves. We tend to look at the bigger picture as opposed to focusing on just the start or beginning. What is needed to begin the journey? What small action can you take that will start you on the path to achieving your dreams? Discouragement is a roadblock that tends to keep us motionless. We want to encourage everyone to start their goals, dreams, and aspirations whenever they feel it is needed. Let this new year signify you to becoming prosperous and full of growth! May 2020 be the push you need to take the first step, jump the hurdles and attain your goals!
Here are a few ways to jumpstart your 2020 goals:
- Pick a start date
- Begin your week by creating an agenda for each day
- Utilize the “2 minute rule” to fight procrastination
- Be more conscientious
- For entrepreneurial aspirations, register your business
- Network and connect with like minded individual
- Turn your hobby into your profession
- Repeat/stick to your goals until it becomes a habit instead of a chore
- Stop by 100K Ideas to jumpstart your idea!
“You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step” – Martin Luther King Jr.