Catching Up with Past 100K Intern: Aaron Hall

Happy February everyone! This month we are following up with some of our amazing fellows and interns to see how they are doing post 100K. One of the individuals we were able to catch up with is Aaron Hall. Aaron was an intern for the 2019 100K Ideas High School Summer Experience. It has been 2 years since Aaron participated in this Internship and, since then, has made huge advancements in innovation and business.

Starting with business, he has expanded his pre-existing clothing line, Cultural Diffusion, throughout Flint and now has items for sale, downtown, at Brushalley Skateshop and Comma Bookstore & Social Hub. He has added 10 -12 new items to this line, since his time at 100K, and plans to release 15 new items in 2021! He will also be a part of the Blackout Runway Show produced by Jeremy Cornelius.

Aaron has, additionally, started his own art and design business called CulturArtt. This art and design business dives into a multitude of mediums, from logos to shirt prints, but has a main focus in painting. He plans to expand this company into a local production company producing, art, design, videos, clothing and many more things.

On top of all of this, Aaron continues to work as Production Management at Goodboy Clothing, works at Comma bookstore, and continues to be a full time student at Mott Middle College in his final year of high school, finishing strong.

Aaron says, “The experience at 100K Ideas has given me so much inspiration, and has allowed me to get a lot farther in life very early on.”For his future plans, Aaron would love to develop a community engagement and improvement company, on top of continuing with a lot of the current work he has on hand.

100K Ideas loves hearing back from our past staff, interns, and fellows and take pride in the amazing work they continue to do for the community. We appreciate Aaron Hall for sharing this update with us and continues to support him in all his future successes. Make sure to check out his clothing line at Brushalley Skateshop and Comma Bookstore & Social Hub when you get a chance!