Community Engagement within Small Business

Community engagement has historically been considered an important policy of many medium to large companies. However, it can be equally important for small businesses. Companies that emphasize community involvement can preach its positive benefits in many ways such as better workplace culture, strengthening sense of purpose, fostering good faith, and increasing customer trust. In many […]

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The Essence of Product Design: Transforming Ideas into Reality

Design is not an isolated concept, rather it’s all around us and affects everything we use on a daily basis. Think about a world where there was no design – we wouldn’t have smartphones, cars, or even chairs to sit on. It is the driving force behind innovation, and it’s everywhere, quietly enhancing our experiences. […]

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AI: How Small Businesses can Benefit

AI (artificial intelligence) has rapidly transformed various aspects of our lives and has impacted the way we work. As technology continues to evolve, AI is becoming more and more integrated into our daily tasks, reshaping traditional work processes and revolutionizing industries. Come explore the profound changes AI has brought to the workplace, how it is […]

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