Personal Development

Everyone’s journey to personal development is different; for some, waking up early is the goal and for others, it’s being an active listener. Personal development is masked in more ways than one and it’s up to us to outline what changes we want to see within ourselves. Here are some ways you can create your own goals:


  1. Decide what change you want to see within yourself


To understand what change you want to see within yourself, you must be aware of yourself. Begin by jotting down where you want to grow in different areas in your life – this could be career-wise, interpersonally, strengthening your weaknesses, or physically developing. It’s important to note, there is no wrong answer with where and how you want to develop! A huge part of the process is acknowledging what you see as the “problem”. 


  1. Identify your barriers


The second step in developing is acknowledging the habits that are preventing you from reaching this particular goal. Essentially, what do you do on a daily basis that restricts your ability to complete your desired goal? For example, if your goal is to wake up earlier and you tend to go to sleep rather late, ask yourself why. Are you occupied by your phone? Are you not time-managing your priorities until nighttime? This is also common for new and existing entrepreneurs who want to develop their business idea but feel as though there are multiple barriers standing in their way. By understanding and identifying what is limiting you, you can begin to understand how to reverse your habits.


  1. Set up habits 


As we all know, habits can be difficult to break because it’s what we’re accustomed to doing on a daily basis. Though it’s a good reminder that whatever habit you create is also a habit you can break. For example, if your goal is to drink more water throughout the day, set a silent alarm to consistently remind you throughout the day. Utilizing tools around you to help you achieve your goals is crucial. If we take the stance of an entrepreneur, it’s important to make use of the resources around you such as our idea assessments that can help you identify those barriers and considerations. It’s important to make use of the resources around you to help you begin reversing your old habits into creating your desired ones. 


  1. Failure is progress


It’s important to note that in your journey to personal development will never be prim and perfect. It’s okay to have hiccups along the way and your failures along the way do not define the progress you have already made. Now this doesn’t necessarily mean to allow yourself to continuously fail the days you feel unmotivated, it just means that it is entirely okay to fall short of your goal sometimes. By continuing to correct the mistakes along the way, it means you are in the process of developing. Before you know it, you’ll realize you suddenly get tired at 10pm, you drink water without a constant reminder, you are finally making momentum in your idea, and you finally realize that you’ve achieved your goal.