As many of you know, 100K Ideas have “gamified” our process through the use of a gameboard, where clients get a token that gets moved through the board as their binder process progresses. Upon completion, they are given multiple routes they are able to take. They can decide to either move upwards onto our “Next Steps” board where there are multiple choices, from design to prototyping to supply chain research, move on to a new phase, taking their idea and going off on their own, or, sometimes, scratching their idea completely and going back to the game board. While all these options are all completely sound answers, sometimes the outcome is not what the client expected it to be. Many emotions can come when that outcome is not what was fully anticipated, but embracing it and allowing yourself to adapt and move forward in a better direction is something 100K fully believes in. There is no right or wrong direction that can be taken, and taking this process as it comes is the best way to grow with innovations.
This process not only deals with our gameboard, but many other aspects of life, business, and entrepreneurship as well. Many of us had important things coming in the near future; like potential promotions, new job interviews, and investment opportunities, which were all suddenly put on hold. With the shutdowns in place, mostly everyone’s plans were scrambled, and along with that, our Next Steps were thrown out the window. So what now?
Many of us will wait until things smooth out and then pick up where they left off, which is a perfectly valid response. But on the other hand, many of us will struggle with pushing our goals off and feel lost on how to move forward. Why not use this opportunity to tweak your approach to make progression? Your “Next Steps” may need to be taken from a different approach with something new. Try it! We’ve been given an opportunity to pause and reevaluate all of our current standings and there is definitely a method to use it to your benefit. Once again, there is no right or wrong direction that can be taken, but right now maybe a chance to try out many different paths. Our next steps were destined to be mended at some point, and if you feel you are falling victim to stagnation and discouragement, find a new way to grow. Get out there (not literally) and try something new! Being able to adapt will benefit you, your career, and your business in the future.
“A diamond is a chunk of coal that did well under pressure.” – Henry Kissinger