Young Innovators

Young Innovators

Young Innovators combine the fun and playfulness of imagining a new solution for an everyday problem, with the challenge of following a specific inquiry process to develop and evaluate an original invention.




The Young Innovators Program aims to engage students in learning and gaining quality outcomes for students and schools in academic performance and problem-solving skills. Young Innovators promote critical and creative thinking and problem-solving skills; and apply higher learning skills, such as information comprehension and research. Analysis, application, synthesis, evaluation, and communication, in the form of an invention or innovation to bring ideas to reality through the invention process; and support the Michigan Department of Education Content Standards in STEM. Finally, the program aims to boost students’ interest in entrepreneurial or innovative passions.

Interested in learning more about this program? Contact the lead:


Community Engagement Coordinator

[email protected] | (810) 213-4637