Happy 2024! As we start this new year, we are often reminded of the importance of goal setting, as many of us think of the intentions, resolutions, and achievements we hope to gain within the next 365 days. Though these goals can look different for everyone but many individuals within, or looking to start in, the entrepreneurial space may find this a great time to begin to work toward the desires they have around small business. Setting these intentions can be important, but a daunting process to start. Here are some thoughts and tips for setting your goals this January:
SMART goals for smart goals!
Using the SMART goal approach when it comes to goal setting can be a very beneficial way to effectively set your intentions for business. This acronym stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely. Creating resolutions that hold all 5 of these values will allow you to properly set yourself up for success, creating an intention that can be easily and actively pursued.
Start small
When setting achievements for your year, it can be easy to get over our heads and become overwhelmed, even when these goals may technically fit within the SMART acronym. Starting with small goals, even if they are achievable in shorter periods of time, is a great way to get your start and begin to navigate your process. Taking these little steps, focusing on them in little doses, can sometimes bring more of an impact in the long run, preventing you from the daunting goal that remains without a start due to its size, need, and energy.
Modify when needed
Sometimes we can get so hyper focused on the goals we set that, as we begin to navigate them, we forget they may not have been the proper strategy of approach. When this happens, going back to the drawing board and modifying, changing, overhauling, or even scratching certain resolutions can be for the ultimate benefit of your endeavor. Being able to be mindful of potential modifications will help you achieve your best successes for the year.
Show yourself patience and grace
No one is ever certain of what the future will hold, and our initial intentions may not be what was ultimately in store for our year. Make sure when life has a way of changing your direction or hinders your path for initial achievements, you give yourself patience and grace when goals may be pushed or hindered. Going back to the previous three points are all great ways to combat this when it happens, allowing you the opportunity to renavigate your situation and provide yourself the support that you need.
We hope these 4 tips will help you as you continue to structure your entrepreneurial goals for the year. As always, 100K Ideas is here to help with the different programs and services we have to offer. Never hesitate to reach out in allowing us to help you achieve your intentions. Wishing you a happy, healthy, and successful 2024!